
4 Keys for Investing in Law Firm Brand Marketing: Glen Lerner

Glen Lerner

Glen Lerner

Founding Partner at Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys & Lerner and Rowe Law Group

Peter Webb

Peter Webb

Founding Member and Senior Vice President at Scorpion

Ari Kornhaber

Ari Kornhaber

EVP & Head of Corporate Development  at Esquire Bank

In today’s competitive landscape for contingency fee law firms, investing in law firm brand marketing is an essential catalyst for law firm growth – one that requires time, commitment, consistency and persistence.

For over 31 years, Glen Lerner, founding partner at Lerner and Rowe Injury Attorneys & Lerner and Rowe Law Group, has consistently invested profits back into marketing his law firm and building its brand. According to Glen, “This takes a lot of intestinal fortitude. We started at $10,000 a month; within 3 to 4 months, we were up to $20,000 a month. Within another 3 to 4 months from that, we were up to $40,000 a month. Every cent we made we put back into the business.”

As a result of Glen’s commitment to investing in law firm brand building, Lerner & Rowe has become one of the country’s premier personal injury firms, expanding their reach to multiple states across the United States.

What are 4 Keys for Investing in Law Firm Brand Marketing?

  • Brand building takes time – there are no get rich quick schemes
  • Commit to investing profits back into marketing
  • Run your law firm like a business – stick to the fundamentals
  • Never give up – keep fighting

Watch this 2-minute video for more insight into how Lerner & Rowe has run its law firm like a business, focusing on business fundamentals and investing in brand marketing for long-term success and law firm growth.


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As attorneys experience success in building up a practice, an important consideration is how to grow the law firm from a disparate group of attorneys to building up an integrated law firm.

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