
Invest in Financial Success Instead of Case Costs

Noah Kushlefsky

Managing Partner at Kreindler & Kreindler

Ari Kornhaber

Ari Kornhaber

EVP & Head of Corporate Development at Esquire Bank

In this blog, we discuss how Kreindler & Kreindler leveraged case cost financing to invest in financial success and law firm growth.

For many law firms, it can be a point of pride to self-finance case disbursements rather than taking advantage of financing options. Self-funding case costs can put law firms at a disadvantage by hampering their liquidity and cash flow. This leaves them less flexibility to invest their hard-earned cash back into their business. Many firms erroneously believe they have to pass on the interest to their clients when they finance case costs. However, each firm can choose whether they cover the interest themselves, pass on the interest to their clients, or only pass on the interest to clients for certain cases and not other. It’s entirely up to the firm.

Such was the case for Kreindler & Kreindler, a NY-based aviation accident law firm. With their long tradition of paying for case expenses, the firm was tying up millions of dollars in cases which could have been reinvested in their business. Once they investigated the possibility of case cost financing with Esquire Bank, the firm realized they could free up that capital for growth.

Click above to watch this video featuring Noah Kushlefsky, managing partner of Kreindler & Kreindler,  as he talks through the steps the firm took to become utilize case cost financing and invest in financial success and law firm growth.


Meet with Esquire Bank

Learn how you can invest more case resources by leveraging case cost financing.  Schedule a no-obligation consultation with an Esquire Bank Business Development Officer today at a time convenient to your schedule.


For more on Esquire Bank’s expertise in providing tailored solutions for law firms, please visit Esquire Bank’s resources portal, Lawyer IQ, where you can learn about growing your business, financing for law firms, marketing strategy best practices, and more.

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*The information provided on (or accessed through) this email is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, and should not be relied on for, law firm operations, tax, legal or accounting advice. Some of the information may not be applicable or appropriate for all law firms. Please consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors as appropriate.

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  • Life Cycle Stage: Educated - Best Practices
  • Content Tier: silver
  • Content Type: webinar-short

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