
Bold Moves: Improving the Quality and Quantity of Your Intakes

In this blog, we feature insights into improving the quality and quantity of your intakes as a contingency fee law firm. The days where you could run a TV ad for a month and bring in 60 intakes are over. Today’s potential clients consume media across a broad spectrum of channels and devices, and have migrated away from traditional advertising channels to digital channels. That’s why you, if you want to keep your law firm top-of-mind, you need to ...

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Plaintiffs Law Firms: How to Understand and Exceed Modern Client Expectations

Mary Ellen Murrah, chief strategy and marketing officer at Vista Consulting, details how to understand and exceed modern client expectations as they continue to evolve. Read this blog for important insights.


4 Ways to Elevate the Client Journey for Law Firms

For contingency fee law firms, the key to building a successful law practice goes beyond providing excellent legal representation. Read this blog to understand the 4 ways to elevate the client journey, featuring insights from Mary Ellen Murrah, operations consultant from Vista Consulting.


5 Key Areas for Building An Optimal Intake Team

There are five key areas you should focus on when building an optimal intake team for your contingency fee law firm. Read this blog to learn more.

  • Life Cycle Stage: Educated - Best Practices
  • Content Tier: silver
  • Content Type: webinar-short

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