
Marketing Best Practices: The Value of Client Reviews

Taylor Rayfield

Taylor Rayfield

Partner at Manly, Stewart & Finaldi

Ari Kornhaber

Ari Kornhaber

EVP & Head of Corporate Development at Esquire Bank

Chris Dreyer

CEO & Founder at

In this Marketing Best Practices series blog, we feature insights into the value of online client reviews in building your law firm’s online brand presence.

It can be easy to dismiss client reviews as being a nice, but unnecessary conclusion to your relationship with them. But, as marketing expert Chris Dreyer (CEO, explains, reviews can take your company from a middle-page search result to a first pick on Google and other search engines.

Click above to watch this video to learn  effective strategies to build your brand online presence through client reviews, featuring Chris Dreyer in a conversation with Taylor Rayfield (Partner, Manly, Stewart & Finaldi). Chris and Taylor discuss not only how to encourage your clients to leave reviews that will build your firm’s online footprint, but also how to engage in practices that will naturally generate more reviews.

This blog is part of the series ‘Marketing Best Practices’.

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