
Leading with Vision and Culture to Engender Growth

Glen Lerner

Glen Lerner

Founding Partner at Lerner & Rowe Injury Attorneys and Lerner & Rowe Law Group

Peter Webb

Peter Webb

Founding Member and Senior Vice President at Scorpion

Ari Kornhaber

Ari Kornhaber

EVP & Head of Corporate Development  at Esquire Bank

In this post-pandemic environment, leading with vision and culture is an essential element for garnering employee buy-in.

The pandemic-driven remote work phase has helped reduce overhead costs such as rent and utilities for many businesses, but a pivotal part of work culture that video meetings have not been able to replicate is the camaraderie and spontaneity of in-person office life. Whether hunkering down on a tough case or going out to lunch together, the culture of an office is often overlooked when law firm owners plan for growth.

Today, remote work has afforded employees the flexibility to better balance their work and personal lives. However, the lack of impromptu face-to-face collaboration, team building and socialization with colleagues can be detrimental to a law firm owner’s ability to communicate vision and foster a growth culture.

For large, national law firms with team members based in different states, it is especially important that everyone clearly understands the growth vision and roadmap set by the firm’s partners. And most importantly, they buy into and reflect that vision and culture.

Glen Lerner, founder of Lerner & Rowe Injury Attorneys, over a 31-year period has built his law firm into a national leading personal injury law firm.  As his firm grew in size and his ability to be in contact with each client diminished, he set out to communicate a clear and concise vision for his law firm.

To foster employee buy-in, Glen encourages his department heads to take their teams out to happy hour every couple of weeks. This provides employees with the chance to interface in-person, outside of the office, in a casual and more relaxed environment. Additionally, it engenders rapport and gives staff the opportunity to understand what their colleagues are currently working on.

Watch the video above to learn more about how Glen Lerner fosters law firm growth by leading with vision and culture.

To learn more about Glen Lerner’s success story and the path to exponential law firm growth for Lerner & Rowe Injury Attorneys, watch the testimonial video.

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