
Long-Term Financial Planning for Trial Lawyers

Sean flaherty

Sean Flaherty

Managing Partner at Keches Law Group

Lou Pizzileo

Partner at Grassi Advisors

Michael Lacapria

Chief Financial Officer at Esquire Bank

In order to run a successful law business, it’s not enough to be a good lawyer – you need to be a businessperson too. Many trial lawyers lack the time and experience to make those critical decisions that are necessary to ensure a firms’ long-term financial stability.

Watch as Ari Kornhaber (EVP & Head of Corporate Development, Esquire Bank) and Sean Flaherty (Managing Partner, Keches Law Group) discuss some of the strategies that lawyers can learn to help their liquidity and ensure their long-term growth and success.

Meet with Esquire Bank

Learn how your law firm can leverage case cost financing to free up capital that can be invested in marketing, technology, talent, operations, case acquisition, and scaling law firm growth. Schedule a no-obligation consultation with an Esquire Bank Business Development Officer today at a time convenient to your schedule.


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  • Life Cycle Stage: Educated - Product Solutions
  • Content Tier: bronze
  • Content Type: webinar-short

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