
Why Plaintiffs Law Firms Need to Market to Women

In this blog, we focus on why plaintiffs law firms need to market to women.

For contingency fee law firms and plaintiffs law, understanding who the decision-maker is when it comes to seeking legal help is crucial to successfully initiating and winning cases. Susan Knape, founder of A Case for Women, sheds light on a critical aspect of client engagement: recognizing the pivotal role of women in the legal decision-making process.

Watch the video above for a comprehensive look at Susan’s insights into why plaintiffs law firms need to effectively market to women.

The Role of Women in Selecting Law Firms and Attorneys

As a former chief marketing officer at Dallas-based law firm Baron & Budd for over a decade and the founder/president of A Case for Women, a marketing firm she started almost 10 years ago, Susan has significant insights into legal marketing and the client intake experience.

Specifically, she notes:

  • Women are the Decision-Makers: Traditionally, law firms viewed men as their primary clients. However, Susan highlights that women often make the critical decisions, even in cases where men are the plaintiffs.
  • Women Provide Influence in Key Areas: Particularly in cases like mesothelioma, typically associated with male plaintiffs, it is usually women within the family (wives, mothers, sisters, or daughters) who actively seek legal representation.

“I saw there was a real lack in the [plaintiffs law] marketplace of anyone talking to women about their rights,” notes Susan.

Key Considerations for How to Market to Women

Understanding the unique position women hold in the dynamics of personal injury lawsuits as well as mass torts, and their role as family gatekeepers is vital. According to Susan, contingency fee law firms will miss the mark if they fail to consider the following factors:

  • Disproportionate Impact of Injuries: Women disproportionately suffer in cases involving medical issues or assaults, making them more likely to be plaintiffs.
  • Motivations Beyond Money: Women are often driven by motivations that transcend financial compensation, such as the desire to be heard, effect change and protect others from similar fates.

“The most important motivation [for women] is finding their voices and helping other women,” says Susan. “So, whatever happened to them doesn’t happen to anyone else again.”

Communication Strategies That Resonate with Women

To engage effectively with women, Susan notes that plaintiffs law firms need to adjust their communication strategies:

  • Empowerment and Advocacy: Highlight how legal action can empower women and help others can be a powerful motivator.
  • Simplifying Legal Complexity: Ensure that legal terms and processes are accessible and comfortable helps in building trust and confidence among female clients.

The Resulting Strategic Benefits for Plaintiffs Law Firms

By adopting these targeted communication strategies, plaintiffs law firms will reap the following benefits:

  • Building Trust and Loyalty: By addressing the specific needs and motivations of women, firms can build stronger relationships, leading to increased client loyalty and referrals.
  • Enhanced Case Acquisition: With women frequently at the forefront of legal decisions, effectively engaging with them can lead to higher case acquisition rates.

Learn More

To explore how your plaintiffs law firm can market to women, better engage with clients, and improve both outreach and outcomes, watch our video interview with Susan Knape, founder of A Case for Women.

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* The information provided on (or accessed through) this blog is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, and should not be relied on for, law firm operations, tax, legal or accounting advice. Some of the information may not be applicable or appropriate for all law firms. Please consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors as appropriate. Results may vary by law firm.

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