
Run Your Plaintiffs Law Firm Business Like Your Best Case

Ari Kornhaber

Ari Kornhaber

Founder, EVP and Head of Corporate Development

mike morse

Michael Morse

Attorney & Founder of Mike Morse Law Firm

In this blog, we feature insights from  Mike Morse, founder of Michigan’s largest personal injury firm, Mike Morse Law Firm as he explains how to run your plaintiffs law firm business like your best case and create a unique brand – key principles for law firm success.

Critical to Mike’s success is the foundation he created based on five key principles. We continue our focus on Key Principle #4: Run Your Business Like Your Best Case, and Key Principle #5: Cherry Garcia Beats Vanilla.

Key Principle #4: Run Your Business Like Your Best Case

As lawyers, you pour your hearts and souls into preparing for big cases. You obsess over every detail, invest countless hours, and leave no stone unturned. But what if you applied that same level of dedication and preparation to running your law firms? This is the powerful insight shared by Mike Morse, best-selling author of Fireproof.

Mike points out a stark contrast in how trial lawyers approach their cases versus their businesses. When preparing for a major trial, attorneys typically know the case inside and out. They invest hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars into a single case that may not even define their career. Yet when it comes to managing their law firm – the very foundation of their practice and livelihood — many lawyers invest only a fraction of that time and effort – typically, because they are wearing too many hats in the firm or lack the capital to add on a partner focused on running the daily business operations.

The disparity is striking. Lawyers will spend countless hours on one big case but often neglect the broader business aspects that could dramatically impact their overall success and profitability. Mike proposes that if lawyers redirected even a portion of the energy they put into their biggest cases towards running their firm, the results would be transformative.

Transform Your Plaintiffs Law Firm Business By Investing Time in Critical Areas

  1. Engaging a business coach
  2. Setting up comprehensive data tracking systems (like Mike’s “Jumbotron” concept)
  3. Establishing an executive leadership team
  4. Defining core values and a clear business focus

The Benefits of Running Your Plaintiffs Law Firm Business Like Your Best Case

These foundational elements can propel a law firm to new heights of success, profitability, and employee satisfaction. Yet many lawyers resist investing the necessary time and resources, perhaps underestimating the massive potential return on investment.

Mike emphasizes that running a truly successful law practice requires more than just legal expertise — it demands genuine business acumen. The payoff for this shift in perspective can be enormous.

4 Key Benefits of Running Your Plaintiffs Law Firm Business Like Your Biggest Case

  1. Dramatically increase profitability
  2. Improve operational efficiency
  3. Enhance employee satisfaction and retention
  4. Create a more sustainable and scalable business model

Mike’s advice serves as a wake-up call to many lawyers who may be leaving significant opportunities on the table. By failing to invest adequate time and resources into the business side of their practice, they’re essentially handicapping their own success.

Understand Why Your Plaintiffs Law Firm Business is Your Most Important Case

The bottom line? Your law firm is your most important case. It deserves the same level of preparation, strategy, and resources as any high-stakes trial. By shifting your mindset and treating your firm with this level of importance, you open the door to exponential growth and success. Remember, you’re not just a trial lawyer — you’re a business owner. Embracing this dual role and giving your firm’s business the attention it deserves could be the key to unlocking your practice’s full potential.

Are you running your law firm with the same dedication as your biggest case? If not, it’s time to rethink your current strategy.

Watch the video above to learn more important insights from Mike Morse, including how to create a unique brand through Key Principle #5: Cherry Garcia Beats Vanilla.

Looking to find out more about why Cherry Garcia Beats Vanilla?

Read our detailed blog outlining Mike Morse’s journey from law firm startup to nationally known personal injury law firm.

Meet with Esquire Bank

Interested in funding sustainable law firm growth? Learn how your law firm can finance its case costs and free up capital to invest in key business areas and growth. Schedule a no-obligation consultation with an Esquire Bank Business Development Officer today at a time convenient to your schedule.


Special Offer – Complimentary Copy of Fireproof

Get a complimentary copy of Mike Morse’s best-selling book Fireproof. Simply click on the link below and then complete the form to request your copy of Fireproof.


Mike is the founder of Mike Morse Law Firm, the largest personal injury firm in Michigan. He lectures across the nation on best practices for running and building a successful law firm. Recently, he was named a #1 Amazon best-selling author for his book Fireproof.


* The information provided on (or accessed through) this blog is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, and should not be relied on for, law firm operations, tax, legal or accounting advice. Some of the information may not be applicable or appropriate for all law firms. Please consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors as appropriate. Results may vary by law firm.

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  • Life Cycle Stage: Educated - Best Practices
  • Content Tier: silver
  • Content Type: video

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