
Law Firm Growth Strategies: How to Deal with Negative Google Reviews

Chris Dreyer

CEO at

Ari Kornhaber

Ari Kornhaber

EVP & Head of Corporate Development at Esquire Bank

Taylor Rayfield

Taylor Rayfield

Partner at Manly, Stewart & Finaldi

When it comes to law firm growth strategies, many firms don’t have a streamlined process for soliciting and managing online reviews. Nor do they consider the implications negative reviews may have on case intake.

In the highly competitive landscape of the contingency fee law space, good reviews are a great way to generate new business. Especially, since online reviews may be the first impression potential clients may have of your law firm.

A good starting place is taking a hard look at client intake. Law firms should build reviews solicitations into their client intake and communication process. Ideally, solicitation of a review should take place when the client is most satisfied. Encourage clients to write a review by sending them a gift card with a quick note of appreciation.

Oftentimes, even potential clients will leave a review. This is why it’s imperative that intake staff become well-trained in politely explaining why your law firm may or may not be the best fit for their case. For law firms that service niche practice areas, this can make or break a firm’s digital reputation.

Once a review is posted about your law firm, reply to it on Google, thanking your client and emphasizing your positive experience with them. The hardest reviews to manage are negative reviews without any comment as there’s not much a firm can do.

For more information about why managing your firm’s online reputation is an important part of law firm growth strategies, watch this 3-minute video featuring in-depth advice on how to manage negative online reviews from Chris DreyerCEO of He also discusses how to get negative reviews taken down.

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Whether your goal is investing in growth, expanding your practice, or improving your cash flow, understanding your case inventory is an important valuation for your firm.

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