
Common Characteristics of Top Performing Law Firms

Tim McKey

CEO of Vista Consulting

Mary Ellen Murrah

Operations Consultant at Vista Consulting

Ari Kornhaber

Ari Kornhaber

EVP & Head of Corporate Development  at Esquire Bank

When it comes to law firm best practices, there are common characteristics shared by today’s top performing law firms that are often the key ingredients that are missing from most firms.

In many instances, attorneys who have launched a contingency fee law practice may have studied to become a lawyer but not a business operations leader. Driven by a passion for helping attain justice for clients, they built up a growing client base and case volume but also struggled to manage it.

According to Tim McKey, CEO of Vista Consulting, most contingency fee law firms – both small and large – do not grow as quickly as they would like or reach their full potential because they’re often missing key ingredients. “They often lack the expertise and guidance in managing and leading a business that happens to practice law,” noted Tim McKey.

As a consulting firm that works with hundreds of attorneys throughout the United States and Canada, Vista Consulting knows the characteristics and best practices that top performing law firms possess – something they’ve outlined in the eBook “How to Grow Your Plaintiff Law Firm”.

For the most part, top performing law firms have a clear vision, take a disciplined approach to the business, create a desired culture, establish a CEO or CFO to run the business, attain and manage macro data, and always look to change for the better.

Watch the video above to learn more insights into the characteristics of top performing law firms,  featuring Tim McKey, CEO of Vista Consulting.

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  • Life Cycle Stage: Educated - Best Practices
  • Content Tier: platinum
  • Content Type: webinar-short

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