
Building Case Value By Leveraging Case Inventory: Raphaelson & Levine

For Raphaelson & Levine, allying with Esquire Bank provided the catalyst for significantly building case value for the law firm’s clients and continuing to fulfill its mission for attaining justice.

According to Howard Raphaelson, partner and personal injury attorney at Raphaelson & Levine, before partnering with Esquire Bank, the firm’s attorneys typically paid for case disbursements out of pocket. Although this approach is commonly used by attorneys that self-finance, it can place a financial strain on the firm’s partners and also hinder law firm initiatives.

Finding a strategic partner who understood how to value Raphaelson and Levine’s contingent case inventory and would provide financing based on that value, unlocked capital that could now be invested into case resources.

“We were introduced to Esquire Bank, as a company that would help fund disbursements that would allow us to use the resources out in the industry to really build the value of the cases for our clients,” noted Howard Raphaelson. “Esquire Bank is an attorney’s bank. They know what our needs are and at every step of the way, they were there to satisfy them,” he added.

Watch this 2-minute video to learn more about how Raphaelson & Levine was able to significantly build case value for its clients by leveraging the firm’s case inventory.

Unlock Your Cash Flow – Meet With Esquire Bank Today

Whether your goal is investing in growth, expanding your practice, or positioning your firm for a merger or acquisition, understanding your case inventory is an important valuation for your firm. Leveraging your firm’s case inventory to finance case disbursements can allow you the flexibility and liquidity to pivot your focus to investing in digital marketing, technology, and staff, and ultimately build case value for your clients.

Schedule a no-obligation consultation today to understand how Esquire Bank’s solution-based credit facilities can help you achieve your growth or succession goals.


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  • Content Tier: silver
  • Content Type: customer-testimonial

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