
No matter the size and scope of your law firm, a robust digital marketing strategy can be the difference between expansion and stagnation. Find insights and advice from the experts here.



Why Plaintiffs Law Firms Need to Market to Women

Find out why plaintiffs law firms need to market to women, the true decision makers when it comes to selecting law firms and attorneys.

Cherry Garcia Beats Vanilla: Build a Unique Law Firm Brand

Mike Morse, founder of Michigan’s largest personal injury firm explains how to build a unique law firm brand – one of his 5 key principles for law firm success.

4 Ways Marketing Free Branded Merch Can Benefit Your Law Firm

Marketing free branded merch can be an effective way to increase brand awareness, generate leads, and build relationships for your law firm. Learn important insights in this blog.

How Plaintiffs Law Firms Can Solicit Word-of-Mouth Referrals

Word-of-mouth referrals are one of the most effective ways for plaintiffs law firms to solicit new clients. Read this blog for important insights.

Is Podcast Advertising Only for Big Law Firms?

Podcast advertising can be a very effective way for smaller contingency fee law firms to reach new clients without breaking the bank. Read this blog for important insights.

Why Personal Injury Firms Still Invest in Billboard Advertising

Learn why many personal injury law firms still employ billboard advertising as part of their brand building strategy.

Law Firm Brand Building Through Philanthropy

Learn how active participation in community endeavors can significantly enhance your firms' law firm brand building efforts. Read this blog for important insights.

Omnichannel Marketing: Meeting Law Firm Clients Where They Are

Successful contingency fee law firms utilize omnichannel marketing to reach their law firm clients through their preferred channels. Find out more insights by reading this blog.

What’s in a Name? Investing in a Web Domain for Law Firm Growth

Investing in a web domain name can be an effective way for young law firms to stand out from a crowd of competitor law firms. Read this blog for important insights into the effectiveness of a relevant domain name.

Managing Google Reviews for Case Acquisition

In today's digital age, managing Google reviews plays a crucial role in shaping a law firm’s reputation and impact case acquisition. Read this blog for important insights and tips.

Creating a Strong Online Presence: Marketing to a Digital-First Audience

In today's digital-first competitive market, it is imperative that you create a strong, online presence for your contingency fee law firm. Read this blog to learn how.

Maximizing Your Law Firm’s Marketing Reach

Establishing a key differentiator and believable brand promise are keys to maximizing your law firm's marketing reach. Learn more in this informative blog.

How to Experience Exponential Growth: Building Your Firm’s Brand

In this “Experience Exponential Growth” blog series, we’ll take you through several examples of top plaintiffs law firms that found great success and exponential growth by financing their case costs and investing into five keys areas.

Leveraging Debt to Invest in Marketing for Growth

While many law firm owners use debt to pay for case costs, few leverage a Case Cost Line of Credit to invest in marketing for growth. Read this blog to get insights into the typical lending options for plaintiffs law firms and how to leverage debt for law firm growth.

Law Firm Growth Strategies: How to Deal with Negative Google Reviews

When it comes to law firm growth strategies, many firms don't have a streamlined process for soliciting and managing online reviews. Nor do they consider the implications negative reviews may have on case intake.

How the Accelerated Migration of Consumers Online Impacts the Value of Your Law Firm

Understand the importance of a law firm's digital value on law firm valuation, informed by his experience consulting with law firms on growth. Watch this video featuring Jeremy Poock.

Building a Successful Brand: Investing in Marketing & Brand Building

In the world of legal services, brands aren't built overnight. Consistent messaging and steadily investing marketing dollars in your business are key to brand longevity.

The Little-Known Connection Between Marketing ROI and Case Cost Financing

Marketing ROI can be drastically different from channel to channel. If your marketing ROI is below 1, you're spending $1 in marketing to get less than $1 in value back. Learn how case cost financing can improve the inefficiency gap between your current double-digit financing and marketing ROI.

4 Keys for Investing in Law Firm Brand Marketing: Glen Lerner

In the competitive landscape of contingency fee law firms, investing in brand marketing is an essential catalyst for law firm growth – one that requires time, commitment, consistency and persistence.

Marketing Best Practices: The Value of Client Reviews

Are you utilizing client reviews on Google and social media to their fullest extent? Watch now a conversation with Chris Dreyer and Taylor Rayfield.

The Risks of Relying Solely on Word-Of-Mouth Referrals

In the ever-changing world, technologies and competitive legal industry, relying solely on word-of-mouth referrals might be hindering your firm’s growth potential.

Marketing Best Practices: Effective Ways to Advertise Your Contingency Fee Firm

Utilize these strategies, brought to you by Esquire Bank & Scorpion Marketing, to get ahead of the game when it comes to advertising your law firm.

Marketing Best Practices: What Are the Most Cost-Effective Ways to Advertise?

If you’re not thinking about where, what and how your law firm practices, then chances are you aren’t getting the most out of your advertising. Watch this video about cost-effective ways to advertise your firm.

Investing in Brand Marketing for Law Firm Growth

Are you unsure whether you should be spending money on brand marketing? Chris Dreyer (CEO, has a very clear response – yes, you should.

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