
Case Cost Lines of Credit for the Legal Industry

In this blog, we feature insights into why case cost lines of credit are essential for contingency fee law firms.

Succeed boldly – finance case costs to free up your capital for growth.

What is a Case Cost Line of Credit?

It is a truly unique credit facility for contingency fee law firms that relieves law firms from the pressure of out-of-pocket payments for case costs like expert witnesses, deposition transcripts or innovative 3D accident reconstruction technology. At settlement time, most of our law firm clients recoup these costs – and the interest – from their client’s share of the settlements.

Esquire Bank services the unique financial needs of plaintiff trial lawyers nationwide and supports law firms as they fight for justice on behalf of their clients in court.

8 Reasons to Choose Esquire Bank for Case Cost Financing

  1. We’ve helped numerous law firms advocate for their clients, stabilize their cash flow, and grow their businesses.
  2. We offer Case Cost Financing at highly competitive bank rates.
  3. As a bank founded by lawyers to service lawyers, we value your case inventory and case costs as assets — and we lend against them.
  4. You choose which cases to finance the case costs for, giving you the flexibility to invest in cases that you think will yield the best results.
  5. A Case Cost Line of Credit empowers you to invest in growth initiatives:
  • Hire more and better talent
  • Acquire technology to increase productivity
  • Expand marketing and business development efforts
  1. You have the option to pass on the cost of financing — the interest — to your clients on a case-by-case basis.
  2. We provide you with proprietary state-of-the-art technology tailored to contingency fee law firms to track the case costs and the interest.
  3. We have an intimate understanding of your industry and offer products tailored towards contingency fee law firms.

Make a Strategic Choice for the Future of Your Law Firm

Just because your firm has always paid case costs out-of-pocket doesn’t mean you should continue to do so. Leverage the value of your case inventory by opening a Case Cost Line of Credit for expenses which can influence case outcomes. Protect your firm’s cash flow and flatten the peaks and valleys of your revenue cycle.

Meet with Esquire Bank

Learn how your law firm can leverage case cost financing to free up capital that can be invested in building out key areas such as marketing, technology, and operations, or by investing in case acquisition, talent hires, and scaling law firm growth. Schedule a no-obligation consultation with an Esquire Bank Business Development Officer today at a time convenient to your schedule.


Looking to Learn More About Law Firm Growth Strategies?

Download the eBook now, “5 Bold Strategies to Grow Your Contingency Fee Law Firm,” to get your hands on our top strategies for achieving exponential growth.




The information provided in this blog is provided for general informational purposes only. Some of the information may not be applicable or appropriate for all law firms.

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