
How To Recession-Proof Your Law Firm Business

As market volatility, rising inflation and recession looms, many law firm business owners are understandably anxious about the future.

During these times, litigation funding companies will certainly extend credit to law firm owners, but the heightened uncertainty and business risk means that you can expect significantly higher interest rates, most likely equal to or greater than double digit consumer credit card rates. As the investors who back these funding companies assess their portfolios and demand higher returns in this current, high-risk climate, the litigation funding companies likely have to pass on the cost to their clients: law firm business owners.

Traditional banks are less likely to lend or extend more credit to businesses without significant cash reserves or capital assets that can serve as collateral during periods of heightened uncertainty and business risk. Many banks will also require law firm owners to put up personal assets as collateral. This is because traditional banks fail to view the projected fees and case costs associated with your contingent case inventory as an asset and will not lend against them.

As a bank founded by contingency fee trial lawyers, Esquire Bank understands these challenges and has the right solutions for contingency law firms. Not only do we have the expertise to value your case inventory and lend against it, but we are an FDIC-insured bank that lends at competitive bank rates.

Recession-proof your law firm business by freeing up cash flow and financing your case costs as well as long-term strategic business investments with Esquire Bank as your strategic banking partner.

Watch this short video to learn what makes Esquire Bank different from traditional banks and litigation financing companies, and how you can succeed boldly.

Recession-Proof Your Law Firm – Meet With Esquire Bank Today

Learn how you to recession-proof your law firm and quickly build a cash reserve for the rainy days ahead.

Whether your goal is investing in growth, expanding your practice, or improving your cash flow, understanding your case inventory is an important valuation for your firm. Leveraging your firm’s case inventory to finance case disbursements can allow you the flexibility and liquidity to pivot your focus to investing in digital marketing, technology, and staff, and ultimately build case value for your clients.

Schedule a no-obligation consultation today to understand how Esquire Bank’s solution-based credit facilities can help you recession-proof your law firm business.


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