
Game Changer: Leveling the Playing Field Through Case Cost Financing

In this blog, we discuss the significant impact case cost financing can make in leveling the playing field for contingency fee law firms.

Measuring Up Against Corporate Goliaths

When fighting to attain justice for clients, plaintiffs’ law firms are often up against corporate goliaths: insurance companies, self-insured corporations, and public entities.

For contingency fee law firms, it’s a struggle against adversaries that can marshal staggering amounts of resources and run out the clock on law firms whose capital is tied up in funding case resources. Trial attorneys face this hard reality.

In some instances, firms face the daunting challenge of balancing law firm financial health vs. investing the adequate levels of case expenditures needed to achieve justice for clients. For Jeffrey Laffey, managing partner at Laffey Bucci D’Andrea Reich & Ryan, the firm’s primary objective is to seek the best possible outcome for clients without any financial limitations for access to expert testimony. “It’s vital to have adequate resources to take on the cases that we handle,” noted Jeffrey Laffey. “I have Esquire’s resources to back what it is that I want to do.”

Accessing Capital to Invest in Case Resources

As trial lawyers are discovering, case cost financing provides an opportunity to level the playing field, ensuring plaintiffs’ lawyers have the financial wherewithal to access the full scope of resources needed to pursue a case to attain the best result for clients.

And in many instances, case cost financing can provide firms with an opportunity to take some of the financial stress and challenges of running a successful business off their plates. “What Esquire Bank has given me, besides peace of mind, is the ability to fund cases at a level that I can not only can be competitive with my adversaries, I can overwhelm them,” stated Martin Edelman, attorney and co-founder at Edelman & Edelman.

Armed with the confidence of knowing they have the backing of a strategic banking partner, plaintiffs’ lawyers realize they can bring the best resources to every case. The end result is better results and more justice for clients. “The number one reason we moved our accounts to Esquire Bank was because they understood our business,” explained Reza Torzadeh, CEO and senior partner at Torklaw. “It’s incredibly gratifying to know that Esquire Bank is alongside us, as a true banking partner that wants us to win.”

Click above to watch this 3-minute video featuring plaintiffs’ attorneys who have experienced the benefits of case cost financing in leveling the playing field.

Meet with Esquire Bank

Learn how you can invest more case resources by leveraging case cost financing.  Schedule a no-obligation consultation with an Esquire Bank Business Development Officer today at a time convenient to your schedule.


For more on Esquire Bank’s expertise in providing tailored solutions for law firms, please visit Esquire Bank’s resources portal, Lawyer IQ, where you can learn about growing your businessfinancing for law firmsmarketing strategy best practices, and more.

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*The information provided on (or accessed through) this email is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, and should not be relied on for, law firm operations, tax, legal or accounting advice. Some of the information may not be applicable or appropriate for all law firms. Please consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors as appropriate.

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